Nasty Women Get
Shit Done
Creative & ARt DIRECTION | Video | SOCIAL
For the 2018 midterm election, NWGSD set out to create a playful PSA to highlight just how easy it is to vote in Oregon. Ohh, the freedom you have when you vote by mail, at home! You can bare it all for democracy. #votenaked.
Oregonians were feeling discouraged at the direction our political climate was headed and the idea of voting, seemed pointless. The need for voters to turn out was critical. We created short catchy videos to inspire young voters and to encourage voting by mail. Midterms Matter!
NOW get Naked Please

The 10 participants in the videos ranged from 18-65 years old, all registered Oregon voters, and represented diverse backgrounds. Everyone in the videos were volunteers and believed the 2018 election was a fight for democracy. Bold. Funny. Real
The video campaign garnered approximately 250K views through all social media outlets, without any paid content promotions. This two-part video series went viral through the grassroots community with the hastag #votenaked.
At Home | Video II
New Registered Voters
votes cast

In Their own Words
Pantsuit Nation began as a Facebook group founded by Libby Chamberlain and Cortney Tunis in 2016 to create a space where women could share personal stories and reflect on why the election—both as it approached and in the aftermath of its result—was meaningful to them. Over the years, the group expanded into a nonprofit organization with the mission of building the foundation for a more equitable and engaged democracy.

Josielyn Alcala
“Hello everyone. My name is Josielyn Alcala and I’m a proud Marine Corps veteran, millennial, and daughter of two Mexican immigrants. I’ve always been incredibly patriotic and because of that chose to serve my country. When you enlist you take an oath in which you pledge “to defend the United States against enemies foreign and domestic.” It’s really in the last couple of years that the last piece of that has become more and more real. Protecting our country and democracy doesn’t always mean boots hitting the ground on foreign soil, but rather in the ballot box, during canvassing, protesting, and making your voice heard. I do believe there is a huge threat right now to our democracy, to so many ideals that our nation has come to stand for. I, like many of you, have had to get out of my comfort box and take action. I also decided to be a part of this project because I strongly believe representation matters. I believe there should be more people in office who are and will stand up for women, people of color, immigrants and refugees, and the LGBTQ community. We’re fortunate enough to live in a country where our vote does matter, where our vote has the ability to put people in office who represent those ideals. The stakes have never been higher and by choosing to not vote you are giving someone say in your life over some pretty big things. I wanted to remind people that they do have a say, a very big one, and they need to be part of that conversation. We should all want to be a part of that conversation. A group of volunteers and I here in Portland, Oregon took part in this video to help encourage people to vote. We wanted to show them that it’s so easy, you can even do it NAKED from home!”
Paul Knauls Jr.
Paul Knauls, 65, retired, grandfather, volunteers in prisons here in Oregon.
“I engaged in every opportunity to get out the vote that I could. The reasoning is I’d like for my grandchildren to have a chance in this country. I want them to have good healthcare, clean water, clean air, and a chance at a good education. I’ve worked 40 years, and the fat cats that make decisions on my have passed laws that won’t serve me well. It’s possible I could lose my SSI. In America, a person should not lose their home, and end up homeless, and without healthcare. It happens every day. These are a few of the reasons I’ll continue to fight. Term limits, and no more dark money.”

“There’s no such thing as a vote that doesn’t matter.” — Barack Obama